Ferry Schedule
Taboga Island Panama
Cruise by Ferry to Isla Taboga. Approximately 12 miles from Panama City towards the Pearl Islands (Las Perlas), just 25 to 50 minutes depending on which ferry company you choose. Ferry Schedule below.
Taxis in Panama to the Ferry Boat Piers:
These days Uber and similar companies are operating in Panama and can be more economical than taxis. If you need help finding a room in the city we are happy to recommend several Bed and Breakfasts or small hotels.

From Panama City to Taboga Island
Taboga Island Ferries
The 3 Ferry companies have regular sailings to Taboga Island, check their Ferry Schedules. With the recent Covid-19 lockdowns schedules are subject to change. Arrive 1 hour before departure time to ensure a seat, or even better, prebuy your ticket. On Holidays & during Vacation Periods it may be busier so arrive very early or purchase your tickets in advance.
By Calypso Boats – call or go on Facebook (Barcos Calypso) for Schedule. Leaves from Amador Causeway, Mi Playita near Mi Ranchito Restaurant, it is like a mini cruise along the Panama Canal. The trip takes one relaxing hour in a large passenger ferry.
Calypso is located at La Playita near Mi Ranchito Restaurant, Amador Causeway, about 20 minutes from downtown and about a $10 taxi fare.
NOTE: This is not Muelle 18 as in some old guidebooks. NO FERRIES leave from Muelle 18.
Ferry-Boat Fares: $16 adults, seniors & children $9.50, return, Dogs $5 (fares can change) They also have an office in Panama City where they can sell tickets in advance, it is located near Parque Omar. Fares subject to change.
Tel: 507-314-1730, 390-2403
Taboga Express Ferry Schedule Panama City to Taboga
*During Covid-19 the Taboga Express schedule has been changed. Contact them for updates. You can purchase tickets online.
Located in Panama City at the end of Amador Causeway by Flamenco Marina. Buy online or at the Marina. The trip takes about 30 minutes and is $20 – $24 per adult. Nice, new, fast Catamarans. Fares subject to change.
Tel 507-6234-8989; Email:
La Roka Ferry Panama City to Taboga Island
*During Covid-19 the schedule has been changed. Contact them for updates.
Located in Panama City by Balboa Yacht Club on Amador Causeway. The trip takes about 30 minutes. Fast Catamaran. Fares subject to change.
Tel 507-6982-4844
Panama Helicopter Tours
Panama Helicopter Tours fly to Taboga Island!, Arrive to the island safely and reliably, passing over the entrance to the Panama Canal and discover this authentic, colorful island village. Just minutes from the city. Stay at CERRITO TROPICAL ECO LODGE, or dine at the Number One Restaurant on the island for 7 years, CALALOO Beach. Enjoy the adventure at an affordable cost within reach, adaptable to your needs.
Tel: +507-69804163
Instagram: @helitourspty
Getting to Cerrito Tropical EcoLodge on Taboga Island
Once on the island, you can walk to Cerrito Tropical in 10-15 minutes from the pier (we are on a hill), or we recommend to have us organize a local taxi-truck pick you up. There are no cars on Taboga only a handful of small trucks. Rate is $1.50 per person (or possibly less; since there are different owners they may negotiate).
LOCATION of Taboga Island, Panama:
Longitude 8° 47′ Latitude 79° 33′