taboga island blog

Tall Ships Pass the Panama Canal & Taboga Island – Velas Sud America 2010


From early morning on we spotted Tall Ships in front of Isla Taboga heading for the Panama Canal (you could ship-spot them from our B&B Hotel Cerrito Tropical). Some anchored off Taboga Island for some time, and others headed straight for processing to pass the Canal. Spain’s four masts Juan Sebastian Elcano leader of the race so far and La Esmeralda (Spain), followed by Libertad (Argentina), Guayas (Ecuador) and Cisne Branco (Brazil).

Most of the ships are expected to enter between Sunday and Monday. Monday they’ll begin entering Miraflores locks at dawn.

The ships will continue with the race upon completing transit through the Canal. The race will finish June 28 in Veracruz, Mexico after passing through Cartagena, Colombia and La Guaira Venezuela, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic.

“Velas Sud America 2010” is one of America’s most important nautical events. Through this event Latin America celebrates its independence as the ships travel the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Velas Sud America 2010 is an international bicentennial celebration event in remembrance of the Spanish Colonial era of discovery in the 15 and 16 centuries. The Tall Ships are sailing around America, each of them representing a different nation.

The journey began February 7 when the ships left Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They are among the largest Tall Ships in the world with sailing crews totaling around 1000.

The organizer of the Velas Sud America 2010 event is The Chilean and Argentinean Armada, lead by Commander in chief of the Chilean Navy Admiral Edmund Gonzáles Robles, and Admiral George Omar Godoy.

They are continuing their transit of the Panama Canal today.



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