A public meeting was held Friday by UCI (University of International Cooperation) with the Taboga Island Consejo (municipality) and ANAM (environmental agency of Panama) to present the plan and open the floor for the Taboga Island Revitalization Plan, entitled: Plan de Desarrollo Integral Turístico (Agenda 21 Local, Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial, Plan de Manejo del Refugio de Vida Silvestre, Plan de Desarrollo Eco Turístico e Histórico, Museo de Sitio y Centro de Formación Académica).
The UCI has been in charge of similar projects before in Central America and their experience in the subject and the area will assist in making the revitalization a reality. Planning is spread over a 3 year period to end in 2013 – the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the Pacific by Vasco Nuñez de Balboa. The celebrations in 2013 will bring a significant number of events to the region in commemoration of the discovery including a visit by Pope Benedict XVI.
More positive news is that some of the funding is already in place for parts of the plan through several NGO´s, one such as the United Nations, and as well some private patrons will be solicited.
This update brought to you by Cerrito Tropical B&B Hotel.